Ritse Mann MD, PhD
Ritse Mann MD, PhD, obtained his medical degree at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands in 2004. In 2005 he started a PhD project to the value of breast MRI in invasive lobular carcinoma at the Radboud University Medical Centre in Nijmegen, where he was trained by the late prof. dr. Carla Boetes. From 2008 to 2013 he trained as a resident in radiology, followed by a fellowship in interventional radiology at the same institution, where he now works as breast and interventional radiologist. He is, since 2010, responsible for the clinical breast research at the radiology department of the Radboudumc. The breast imaging research group of the Radboudumc is one of the largest dedicated groups in Europe with large preclinical arms in x-ray development, ultrasound and artificial intelligence. Consequently, dr. Mann’s research has a specific focus on the evaluation and implementation of novel breast imaging techniques. He also has a strong personal interest in breast MRI with a focus on the implementation of new sequences for breast screening. Ritse Mann is an executive board member of the European society of breast imaging (EUSOBI) since 2015, co-chairperson of the young club committee and member of the scientific committee, leading the annual scientific abstract evaluation. He also serves as lead section editor for the women’s imaging/breast imaging section of the European Journal of radiology (EJR), and is member of the editorial board of the ESR’s education on demand program. He was recently appointed as member of the scientific advisory board of the Dutch cancer society (KWF), and is a member of the EuroAIM working group on evidence-based radiology. Ritse Mann is course director of the annual “Nijmegen advanced breast imaging course”, and regular speaker at various national and international courses and conferences, including many EUSOBI events.
Most important grants (PI or Co-PI)
BUST: Cost-effective diagnostic evaluation of patients with symptomatic breast disease, ultrasound as accurate initial imaging technique. Grant# 843002823, Dutch Research Council, 408K EUR, PI, Dates: 2017-2021
BLES: Minimal invasive breast cancer excision using the breast lesion excision system under ultrasound guidance – a feasibility study. Grant# KUN zot5-8o86, Dutch Cancer Society, 306K EUR, PI, Dates: 2016-2019
IBSCREEN: Intelligent, automated and cost-effective breast cancer screening. Grant# E! 9714, Eurostars (EU), 1.9M EUR, Co-PI, PI Mads Nielsen, Dates: 2015-2018
EMBRACE: Effective MRI breast cancer screening in less than 2 minutes. Grant# 90714524, Clinical research fellow – Dutch Research Council, 160K EUR, personal grant, Dates: 2015-2019
VPH-PRISM Virtual Physiological Human: Personalised Predictive Breast Cancer Therapy Through Integrated Tissue Micro-Structure Modeling (VPH-PRISM). grant# 601040 FP7-ICT, 3.7M EUR, Co-PI/leader WP 2, PI: EIBIR/ Fraunhofer Mevis, Dates: 2013-2016
ASSURE: Adapting Breast Cancer Screening Strategy Using Personalized Risk Estimation. Grant# 306088, FP7-Health, 5.0M EUR, Co-PI/Co-leader WP7, PI: Nico Karssemeijer, Dates: 2012-2016
Most important publications
Van Zelst JC, Mus RD, Woldringh G, Rutten MJ, Bult P, Vreemann S, de Jong M, Karssemeijer N, Hoogerbrugge N, Mann RM. Breast cancer surveillance of BRCA1/BRCA2 mutation carriers with biannual automated breast ultrasound in addition to magnetic resonance imaging and mammography. Radiology 2017 Jun 13:161218
Wanders JOP, Holland K, Karssemeijer N, Peeters PHM, Veldhuis WB, Mann RM, van Gils CH. The effect of volumetric breast density on the risk of screen-detected and interval breast cancers: a cohort study. Breast Cancer Res. 2017 Jun 5;19(1):67.
Vreemann S, Rodriguez-Ruiz A, Nickel D, Heacock L, Appelman L, van Zelst J, Karssemeijer N, Weiland E, Maas M, Moy L, Kiefer B, Mann RM. Compressed Sensing for Breast MRI: Resolving the Trade-Off Between Spatial and Temporal Resolution. Invest Radiol. 2017 May 1.
Mus RD, Borelli C, Bult P, Weiland E, Karssemeijer N, Barentsz JO, Gubern-Mérida A, Platel B, Mann RM. Time to enhancement derived from ultrafast breast MRI as a novel parameter to discriminate benign from malignant breast lesions. Eur J Radiol. 2017 Apr;89:90-96.
Mertzanidou T, Hipwell JH, Reis S, Hawkes DJ, Ehteshami Bejnordi B, Dalmis M, Vreemann S, Platel B, van der Laak J, Karssemeijer N, Hermsen M, Bult P, Mann RM. 3D volume reconstruction from serial breast specimen radiographs for mapping between histology and 3D whole specimen imaging. Med Phys. 2017 Mar;44(3):935-948.
Kooi T, Litjens G, van Ginneken B, Gubern-Mérida A, Sánchez CI, Mann RMa, den Heeten A, Karssemeijer N.Large scale deep learning for computer aided detection of mammographic lesions. Med Image Anal. 2017 Jan;35:303-312.
Mann RM, Balleyguier C, Baltzer PA, Bick U, Colin C, Cornford E, Evans A, Fallenberg E, Forrai G, Fuchsjäger MH, Gilbert FJ, Helbich TH, Heywang-Köbrunner SH, Camps-Herrero J, Kuhl CK, Martincich L, Pediconi F, Panizza P, Pina LJ, Pijnappel RM, Pinker-Domenig K, Skaane P, Sardanelli F; European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI), with language review by Europa Donna–The European Breast Cancer Coalition. Breast MRI: EUSOBI recommendations for women’s information. Eur Radiol. 2015 Dec;25(12):3669-78
Mann RM, Mus RD, van Zelst J, Geppert C, Karssemeijer N, Platel B. A Novel Approach to Contrast Enhanced Breast MRI for Screening; High Resolution Ultrafast Dynamic Imaging. Invest Radiol. 2014 Sep;49(9):579-85
Meeuwis C, Veltman J, van Hall HN, Mus RDM, Boetes C, Barentsz JO, Mann RM. MR-guided breast biopsy at 3T; diagnostic yield of large core needle biopsy compared to vacuum assisted biopsy. Eur Radiol. 2012 Feb;22(2):341-9.
Mann RM, Loo CE, Wobbes T, Bult P, Barentsz JO, Gilhuijs KG, Boetes C. The impact of preoperative breast MRI on the re-excision rate in invasive lobular carcinoma of the breast. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2010 Jan;119(2):415-22.
Mann RM, Kuhl CK, Kinkel K, Boetes C. Breast MRI: Guidelines from the European Society of Breast Imaging. Eur Radiol. 2008 Jul;18(7):1307-18. Epub 2008 Apr 4.