Julia Camps-Herrero MD
Dr Julia Camps-Herrero is a breast radiologist and also the Head of the Radiology Department at University Hospital de la Ribera in Alzira (Valencia). She trained in Alicante in general radiology and also in Boston (Mass. General Hospital) in abdominal radiology. Since 1999 she is an active researcher in multimodality breast radiology, with a special interest in MRI. Under her supervision, the diagnostic breast section has been the first unit in the Valencian Community to set up breast MRI, MR-guided biopsies, tomosynthesis and tomo- and ultrasound guided vacuum assisted biopsies and presurgical localizations. Dr Camps-Herrero is an active speaker in Latin America and Europe, where she has been invited in more than 160 presentations. She is the author of 16 papers, 7 book chapters and 75 scientific posters and oral presentations. She is the current Breast section editor for EURORAD since 2007, has been chairman of the ECR 2012 Breast Subcommittee and of the Spanish Senology Congress in 2015, member of the Programme Planning Committee for ECR 2015 and 2016, is a current member of the Executive Board of SEDIM (Spanish Breast Imaging Society) and of EUSOBI (currently, Vice-President).
Relevant Publications
Sardanelli F, Aase HS, Alvarez M, Azavedo E, Baarslag HJ, Balleyguier C, et al. Position paper on screening for breast cancer by the European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI) and 30 national breast radiology bodies from Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Israel, Lithuania, Moldova, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey. European Radiology. 2017 Jul;27(7):2737–43.
Sardanelli F, Fallenberg EM, Clauser P, Trimboli RM, Camps-Herrero J, Helbich TH, et al. Mammography: an update of the EUSOBI recommendations on information for women. Insights Imaging. 2017 Feb;8(1):11–8.
Mann RM, Balleyguier C, Baltzer PA, Bick U, Colin C, Cornford E, Evans A, Fallenberg E, Forrai G, Fuchsjäger MH, Gilbert FJ, Helbich TH, Heywang-Köbrunner SH, Camps-Herrero J, Kuhl CK, Martincich L, Pediconi F, Panizza P, Pina LJ, Pijnappel RM, Pinker-Domenig K, Skaane P, Sardanelli F, and European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI), with language review by Europa Donna–The European Breast Cancer Coalition. Breast MRI: EUSOBI recommendations for women’s information. European Radiology, 2015 vol. 25 (12) pp. 3669-3678.
Ricart Selma, V., González Noguera, P. J., Martínez Rubio, C., Camps Herrero, J., Forment Navarro, M., Cano Gimeno, J., et al. Cirugía guiada con radiotrazadores de lesiones de mama no palpables y del ganglio centinela. Revista De Senología Y Patología Mamaria. 2013;26(4):121–128.
Ricart Selma V, Camps Herrero J, Martínez Rubio C, Cano Muñoz R, González Noguera PJ, Forment Navarro M, et al. Mastopatía diabética: clínica, hallazgos radiológicos y anatomopatológicos y tratamiento. Radiología. 2011;53(4):349–54.
Ricart Selma V, Camps Herrero J, Martínez Rubio C, Cano Muñoz R, González Noguera PJ, Forment Navarro M, et al. [Diabetic mastopathy: clinical presentation, imaging and histologic findings, and treatment]. Radiologia. 2011 Jul;53(4):349–54.
Camps Herrero J. Controversias en RM de mama. Radiologia. 2010;52 (1):26–9.
Ganau S, Camps J, Sentís M. La elastografía: una nueva herramienta para el estudio de las lesiones mamarias. Revista de Senología y patología Mamaria. 2009;22(4):32-38
Ricart Selma V, González Noguera PJ, Camps Herrero J, Martínez Rubio C, Lloret Martí MT, Torregrosa Andrés A. Localización ecodirigida del cáncer de mama no palpable y del ganglio centinela con 99tecnecio-coloide de albúmina. Radiología. 2007;49: 295-274 Awarded the prize for the best published paper in 2007
Camps Herrero J, Sentis Crivellé M, Ricart Selma V, Martínez-Rubio C, Lloret MT, Torregrosa A, Bernet Begué L, Cuevas JM, Ballester Sapiña B, González-Noguera P, Casterá A. Utilidad de la resonancia magnética en la evaluación local del cáncer de mama: impacto en el cambio de actitud terapéutica en una serie prospectiva de 338 pacientes. Revista de Senología y Patología Mamaria. 2007;20(2):53-66. Awarded the prize for the best published paper in 2007