EUSOBI Journal Club
Keep up-to-date with the current literature is essential for both residents and specialists, but it is not always easily doable. Many times, a critical appraisal of a study would be beneficial, but it is for many almost impossible.
That is why the EUSOBI Young Club decided to promote an online journal club with the aims of:
- disseminating new information in the field of breast diagnostic;
- promoting evidence-based medicine;
- teaching critical appraisal skills for reading and writing a scientific work;
- providing an opportunity for an interactive discussion with junior and senior experts.
Journal Club places are limited and will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Early registration is recommended. The Journal Club is open for EUSOBI members only. Additionally, EUSOBI members will be able to view the recording online at the EUSOBI website about 2-3 weeks after the Journal Club.
The discussants will focus on:
- presenting the structure and content on the paper;
- discussing the most relevant information for the clinical practice;
- discussing the other recent literature on the topic;
- sharing their experience.
Certificate of attendance / EUSOBI CME points
The EUSOBI Journal Club is accredited with 1 EUSOBI CME point per session! Only live-viewing can be accredited. Watching recordings will not be accredited. These EUSOBI CME points count towards the EUSOBI diploma.
In order to receive the certificate, the attendee has to complete the feedback survey which will be provided after the Journal Club. Furthermore, the attendance time must be longer than 45 minutes. The certificates will be provided by email after approx. 2 weeks.
Next Journal Club
currently in planning…
Past Journal Clubs
Moderator: Maria Adele Marino, Messina/IT
Presenters: Andrea Cozzi, Lugano/CH; Elisabetta Giannotti, Cambridge/UK; Jan Vosshenrich, Basel/CH
Discussants: Daniela Bernardi, Milan/IT; Tamara Suaris, London/UK; Eugenio Zanon, Torino/IT
Discussed articles:
- Vosshenrich J, Heye T. Small Steps toward a More Sustainable and Energy-efficient Operation of MRI. Radiology. 2023 May;307(4):e230874. doi: 10.1148/radiol.230874. Epub 2023 Apr 25. PMID: 37097136.
- Doo FX, Vosshenrich J, Cook TS, Moy L, Almeida EPRP, Woolen SA, Gichoya JW, Heye T, Hanneman K. Environmental Sustainability and AI in Radiology: A Double-Edged Sword. Radiology. 2024 Feb;310(2):e232030. doi: 10.1148/radiol.232030. PMID: 38411520; PMCID: PMC10902597.
- Merkle EM, Bamberg F, Vosshenrich J. The Impact of Modern Imaging Techniques on Carbon Footprints: Relevance and Outlook. Eur Urol Focus. 2023 Nov;9(6):891-893. doi: 10.1016/j.euf.2023.09.009. Epub 2023 Sep 26. PMID: 37758613.
- Chaban YV, Vosshenrich J, McKee H, Gunasekaran S, Brown MJ, Atalay MK, Heye T, Markl M, Woolen SA, Simonetti OP, Hanneman K. Environmental Sustainability and MRI: Challenges, Opportunities, and a Call for Action. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2024 Apr;59(4):1149-1167. doi: 10.1002/jmri.28994. Epub 2023 Sep 11. PMID: 37694980.
- Heye T, Meyer MT, Merkle EM, Vosshenrich J. Turn It Off! A Simple Method to Save Energy and CO2 Emissions in a Hospital Setting with Focus on Radiology by Monitoring Nonproductive Energy-consuming Devices. Radiology. 2023 May;307(4):e230162. doi: 10.1148/radiol.230162. Epub 2023 Apr 18. PMID: 37070998.
EUSOBI JOURNAL CLUB NO.11 / Interdisciplinary insight: Bridging breast surgical oncology and radiology in clinical practice
Presenters: Nada Santrac, Belgrade/Serbia; Ioana Bene, Cluj-Napoca/RO; Eduard-Alexandru Bonci, Lisbon/PT
Discussants: Julia Camps Herrero, Valencia/ES; Maria Joao Cardoso, Lisbon/PT; Eduard-Alexandru Bonci, Lisbon/PT
Moderator: Thiemo van Nijnatten, Maastricht/NL
Discussed article:
Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy vs No Axillary Surgery in Patients With Small Breast Cancer and Negative Results on Ultrasonography of Axillary Lymph Nodes The SOUND Randomized Clinical Trial
Oreste Davide Gentilini, MD; Edoardo Botteri, PhD; Claudia Sangalli, BSc; Viviana Galimberti, MD; Mauro Porpiglia, MD; Roberto Agresti, MD; Alberto Luini, MD; Giuseppe Viale, MD; Enrico Cassano, MD; Nickolas Peradze, MD; Antonio Toesca, MD; Giulia Massari, MD; Virgilio Sacchini, MD; Elisabetta Munzone, MD; Maria Cristina Leonardi, MD; Francesca Cattadori, MD; Rosa Di Micco, PhD; Emanuela Esposito, PhD; Adele Sgarella, MD; Silvia Cattaneo, MD; Massimo Busani, MD; Massimo Dessena, MD; Anna Bianchi, MD; Elisabetta Cretella, MD; Francisco Ripoll Orts, MD; Michael Mueller, MD; Corrado Tinterri, MD; Badir Jorge Chahuan Manzur, MD; Chiara Benedetto, PhD; Paolo Veronesi, MD; for the SOUND Trial Group
JAMA Oncol. 2023;9(11):1557-1564. doi:10.1001/jamaoncol.2023.3759
EUSOBI JOURNAL CLUB NO.10 / Interdisciplinary insight: Bridging breast radiation oncology and radiology in clinical practice
Presenters: Javier Azcona Saenz, Santander/ES; Marianna Valzano, Florence/IT
Discussants: Chantal Van Ongeval, Leuven/BE; Luca Visani, Florence/IT
Moderator: Icro Meattini, Florence/IT
Discussed articles:
Icro Meattini, Carlotta Becherini, Saverio Caini, Charlotte E Coles, Javier Cortes, Giuseppe Curigliano, Evandro de Azambuja, Clare M Isacke, Nadia Harbeck, Orit Kaidar-Person, Elisabetta Marangoni, Birgitte V Offersen, Hope S Rugo, Viola Salvestrini, Luca Visani, Andrea Morandi, Matteo Lambertini, Philip Poortmans, Lorenzo Livi, Sara Alkner, Indrani S. Bhattacharya, Liesbeth Boersma, Maurizio Callari, Robert B. Clarke, Lucia Del Mastro, Maria Ekholm, Alessandra Gennari, Anna M. Kirby, Stephanie Kroeze, Marcos Malumbres, Maja Vestmø Maraldo, Gustavo Nader Marta, Ingvil Mjaaland, Gilberto Morgan, Barbara Pistilli, Shani Paluch-Shimon, Sofia Rivera, Sven Rottenberg, Cristina Saura, Tanja Skyttä, Tanja Spanic. International multidisciplinary consensus on the integration of radiotherapy with new systemic treatments for breast cancer: European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO)-endorsed recommendations. The Lancet Oncology. Volume 25, Issue 2. 2024. Pages e73-e83.
Presenter: Melis Baykara Ulusan, Istanbul/TR
Discussants: Caro Justich, Vienna/AT; Federica Pediconi, Rome/IT; Michael Fuchsjäger, Graz/AT
Moderator: Paola Clauser, Vienna/AT
Discussed articles:
- European Society of Radiology (ESR). Value-based radiology: what is the ESR doing, and what should we do in the future?.Insights Imaging 12, 108 (2021).
- European Society of Radiology (ESR). The role of radiologist in the changing world of healthcare: a White Paper of the European Society of Radiology (ESR). Insights Imaging 13, 100 (2022).
- Brady AP, Bello JA, Derchi LE, Fuchsjäger M, Goergen S, Krestin GP, Lee EJY, Levin DC, Pressacco J, Rao VM, Slavotinek J, Visser JJ, Walker REA, Brink JA. Radiology in the Era of Value-based Healthcare: A Multi-Society Expert Statement from the ACR, CAR, ESR, IS3R, RANZCR, and RSNA. Radiology. 2021 Mar;298(3):486-491. doi: 10.1148/radiol.2020209027. Epub 2020 Dec 21. PMID: 33346696.
Date: Monday, February 5, 2024
Time: 19:00-20:00 CET
Presenters: Mariachiara Negrelli, Milan/IT; Falak Masood, Cambridge/UK
Discussants: Nicola Fusco, Milan/IT; Tamar Sella, Jerusalem/IL
Moderator: Marianna Fanizza, Bologna/IT
Discussed articles:
AI-enabled routine H&E image based prognostic marker for early-stage luminal breast cancer.
Wahab, N., Toss, M., Miligy, I.M. et al.
npj Precis. Onc. 7, 122 (2023).
Date: Wednesday, October 25, 2023
Time: 18:00-19:30 CEST
Presenter – MASAI trial: Dr. Giulia Vatteroni
Presenter – ScreenTrustCAD trial consortium: Dr. Sarah Hickman
Discussants: Dr. Karin Dembrower, Dr. Fredrik Strand, Prof. Sophia Zackrisson
Moderators: Dr. Mirjam Wielema, Dr. Natalia Stranz
Discussed articles:
Artificial intelligence-supported screen reading versus standard double reading in the Mammography Screening with Artificial Intelligence trial (MASAI): a clinical safety analysis of a randomised, controlled, non-inferiority, single-blinded, screening accuracy study
Kristina Lång, Viktoria Josefsson, Anna-Maria Larsson, Stefan Larsson, Charlotte Högberg, Hanna Sartor, Solveig Hofvind, Ingvar Andersson, Aldana Rosso
Lancet Oncol 2023; 24: 936–44;
ScreenTrustCAD Trial Consortium. Artificial intelligence for breast cancer detection in screening mammography in Sweden: a prospective, population-based, paired-reader, non-inferiority study.
Dembrower K, Crippa A, Colón E, Eklund M, Strand F
Lancet Digit Health. 2023 Oct;5(10):e703-e711. doi: 10.1016/S2589-7500(23)00153-X. Epub 2023 Sep 8. Erratum in: Lancet Digit Health. 2023 Oct;5(10):e646. PMID: 37690911.
Discussed article: BRCA Mutation Carriers: Breast and Ovarian Cancer Screening Guidelines and Imaging Considerations
Mai Elezaby, MD; Brittany Lees, MD; Katherine E. Maturen, MD, MS; Lisa Barroilhet, MD; Kari B. Wisinski, MD; Sarina Schrager, MD; Lee G. Wilke, MD; Elizabeth Sadowski, MD
Radiology 2019; 291:554–569;
Presenter: Dr. Anete Purvlice, Riga/LV
Discussants: Prof. Antonia Testa, Rome/IT & Dr. Matthew Wallis, Cambridge/UK
Moderator: Dr. Camilla Panico, Rome/IT
Date: Friday, March 10, 2023
EUSOBI Journal Club No.5 / Relationship between mammography readers' real-life performance and performance in a test set-based assessment scheme
DISCUSSED ARTICLE: The Relationship between Mammography Readers’ Real-Life Performance and Performance in a Test Set–based Assessment Scheme in a National Breast Screening Program
Yan Chen, Jonathan J. James, Eleanor J. Cornford, Jacquie Jenkins
Published Online: Sep 25, 2020
PRESENTER: Dr. Yan Chen, Nottingham/UK
DISCUSSANTS: Dr. Luca Carbonaro, Milan/IT & Dr. Eva M. Fallenberg, Munich/DE
MODERATOR: Dr. Paola Clauser, Vienna/AT
DATE: Tuesday, May 4, 2021
EUSOBI Journal Club BREAKING NEWS / (Temporarily) Change in Dutch Breast Cancer Screening Programme: Screening from 2 to 3 years
PRESENTER: Ruud Pijnappel, Utrecht/NL
DISCUSSANTS: Christiane K. Kuhl, Aachen/DE & Gabor Forrai, Budapest/HU
MODERATOR: Nisha Sharma, Leeds/UK
DATE: Wednesday, March 31, 2021
EUSOBI Journal Club No.3 / The Kaiser School discusses the DENSE trial
DISCUSSED ARTICLE: Supplemental MRI Screening for Women with Extremely Dense Breast Tissue
Bakker, M.F., de Lange, S.V., Pijnappel, R.M. et al., for the DENSE Trial Study Group. Supplemental MRI Screening for Women with Extremely Dense Breast Tissue. N Engl J Med 2019; 381:2091-2102.
PRESENTER/MODERATOR: Mirjam Wielema, Groningen/NL
DISCUSSANTS: Pascal Baltzer, Vienna/AT; Matthias Dietzel, Erlangen/DE; Clemens Kaiser, Heidelberg/DE
DATE: Wednesday, December 9, 2020
CLICK HERE to download the literature list provided by the discussants.
EUSOBI Journal Club No.2 / International evaluation of an AI system for breast cancer screening
DISCUSSED ARTICLE: International evaluation of an AI system for breast cancer screening
McKinney, S.M., Sieniek, M., Godbole, V. et al. International evaluation of an AI system for breast cancer screening. Nature 577, 89–94 (2020).
PRESENTER: Nina Pötsch, Vienna/AT
DISCUSSANTS: Magda Marcon, Zurich/CH & Anton Becker, US
MODERATOR: Maria Adele Marino, Messina/IT
DATE: Monday, November 9, 2020
EUSOBI Journal Club No.1 / Recommendations during the COVID-19 pandemic
DISCUSSED ARTICLE: Recommendations for triage, prioritization and treatment of breast cancer patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. Curigliano G, et al, Breast. 2020 Apr 16;52:8-16.
PRESENTER: Anna D’Angelo, Rome/IT
DISCUSSANTS: Valentina Iotti, Regio Emilia/IT; Joao Horvat, Sao Paulo/BR
MODERATOR: Thiemo van Nijnatten, Maastricht/NL
DATE: Tuesday, June 23, 2020
You have missed a Journal Club? We are happy to inform you that the EUSOBI Journal Clubs are recorded and made available to our society members (after a period of approximately 1 month).
Please login either at the right upper corner of the website or by clicking on the respective video. If the access has been denied, please check your membership status in your EUSOBI Member Area or contact



