APPLICATION IS OPEN The European Society of Breast Imaging is growing year by year. Not only its members have increased to a record-breaking number of 2.077 in the previous year, also its activities with regards to research and education are growing and becoming more...
The eBook for Undergraduate Education in Radiology is a project developed by the Education Committee and the Undergraduate Education Subcommittee of the European Society of Radiology. This eBook has been created to serve medical students, but also residents in their...
The European Cancer Summit 2023 on 15 & 16 November will be held once again at the Radisson Collection Hotel in Brussels and available for participation online. EUSOBI Members may benefit from a special 50% discount if registering before September 15! Winette van...
August 24-26, 2023 Medellin, Colombia The Asociación Colombiana de Radiología (ACR) presents the fifth edition of its annual breast imaging course, an activity that offers radiologists, radiology residents and specialists from related areas an opportunity to update on...
Sunday, January 29, 2023 Dear Colleagues, It is my sad task to inform you that Professor Yves Grumbach, one of the founders of EUSOBI and the first EUSOBI President, has passed away last week. Anne Tardivon who knew him very well has written a short “ In Memoriam” to...
BECOME ACTIVE! DEADLINE: Wednesday, June 15, 2022 The European Society of Breast Imaging is growing year by year. Not only its members have increased to a record-breaking number of 1426 in the previous year, also its activities with regards to research and education...