Federica Pediconi, Associate Professor of Radiology

Professor Federica Pediconi was born in Rome, Italy, in 1974. She did her medical and residency school at “Sapienza” University of Rome, where she is currently Associate Professor of Radiology and where she spent her professional career.
She has been working in the Breast Unit of the Department of Radiological Sciences, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, as Assistant Professor since 2004, and leads an enthusiastic and productive team of academic breast imagers.
Since March 2011 she is the chairperson of the of Educational Committee of the EUSOBI (European Society of Breast Imaging) and in the educational committee of the ESR (European Society of Radiology) where she served also for scientific sub-committee of breast for more than 3 years. Since 2012 she is also in the executive board of SIRM (Italian Society of Radiology) breast Section.
She has been coordinator or co-organizer of more than 60 congresses and invited speaker of more than 80 National and International events. She presented more than 200 abstracts at National and International congresses and published about 64 papers and books. Her clinical activities are mainly focused on breast imaging, comprised interventional, and MRI.
Most important publications
Radial Scars of the breast: contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance mammography appearance. F. Pediconi, R. Occhiato, F. Venditti, F. Fraioli, A. Napoli, V. Votta, A. Laghi, C. Catalano, R. Passariello. The Breast Journal 2005; 11:(1) 23-28.
Color-coded automated signal intensity curves for detection and characterization of breast lesions: preliminary evaluation of a new software package for integrated magnetic resonance-based breast imaging. F. Pediconi, C. Catalano, F. Venditti, M. Ercolani, L. Carotenuto, S. Padula, A. Roselli, E. Moriconi, L. Giacomelli, M. A. Kirchin, R. Passariello. Invest Radiol. 2005 Jul;40(7):448-57.
Breast Lesion Detection and Characterization at Contrast-enhanced MR Mammography: Gadobenate Dimeglumine versus Gadopentetate Dimeglumine. F. Pediconi, C. Catalano, R. Occhiato, F. Venditti, F. Fraioli, A. Napoli, M. A. Kirchin, R. Passariello. Radiology. 2005, 237(1):45-56.
Contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance mammography: does it affect surgical decision-making in patients with breast cancer? Pediconi F, Catalano C, Padula S, Roselli A, Moriconi E, Dominelli V, Pronio AM, Kirchin MA, Passariello R. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2007 Nov;106(1):65-74.
Contrast-enhanced MR mammography for evaluation of the contralateral breast in patients with diagnosed unilateral breast cancer or high-risk lesions. Pediconi F, Catalano C, Roselli A, Padula S, Altomari F, Moriconi E, Pronio AM, Kirchin MA, Passariello R. Radiology. 2007 Jun; 243(3): 670-80.
Contrast-enhanced MR mammography: improved lesion detection and differentiation with gadobenate dimeglumine. Pediconi F, Catalano C, Padula S, Roselli A, Dominelli V, Cagioli S, Kirchin MA, Pirovano G, Passariello R. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2008 Nov;191.
The challenge of imaging dense breast parenchyma: is magnetic resonance mammography the technique of choice? A comparative study with x-ray mammography and whole-breast ultrasound. Pediconi F, Catalano C, Roselli A, Dominelli V, Cagioli S, Karatasiou A, Pronio A, Kirchin MA, Passariello R. Invest Radiol. 2009 Jul; 44(7):412-21.
Role of breast MR imaging for predicting malignancy of histologically borderline lesions diagnosed at core needle biopsy: prospective evaluation. Pediconi F, Padula S, Dominelli V, Luciani M, Telesca M, Casali V, Kirchin MA, Passariello R, Catalano C. Radiology. 2010 Dec;257(3):653-61. Epub 2010 Sep 30.
Multicenter, double-blind, randomized, intraindividual crossover comparison of gadobenate dimeglumine and gadopentetate dimeglumine for Breast MR imaging (DETECT Trial). Martincich L, Faivre-Pierret M, Zechmann CM, Corcione S, van den Bosch HC, Peng WJ, Petrillo A, Siegmann KC, Heverhagen JT, Panizza P, Gehl HB, Diekmann F, Pediconi F, Ma L, Gilbert FJ, Sardanelli F, Belli P, Salvatore M, Kreitner KF, Weiss CM, Zuiani C. Radiology. 2011 Feb;258(2):396-408. Epub 2010 Dec 16.
Breast prosthesis: Management of patients after plastic surgery. Bassetti E., Pediconi F., Luciani M.L., Santucci E., Miglio E., Candreva R. Journal of Ultrasound Volume 14, Issue 3, September 2011, Pages 113-121.
Effect of preoperative breast magnetic resonance imaging on surgical decision making and cancer recurrence rates. Pediconi F., Miglio E., Telesca M., Luciani M.L., Kirchin M.A., Passariello R., Catalano C. Investigative Radiology Volume 47, Issue 2, February 2012, Pages 128-135.
Intra-individual randomised comparison of gadobutrol 1.0 M versus gadobenate dimeglumine 0.5 M in patients scheduled for preoperative breast MRI. Pediconi F.; Kubik-Huch, R.; Chilla, B.; Schwenke, C.; Kinkel, K. European Radiology 2012, Pages 1-9.
High-intensity focused ultrasound in breast pathology: non-invasive treatment of benign and malignant lesions. Cavallo Marincola B, Pediconi F, Anzidei M, Miglio E, Di Mare L, Telesca M, Mancini M, D’Amati G, Monti M, Catalano C, Napoli A.
Expert Rev Med Devices. 2015 Mar;12(2):191-9. doi: 10.1586/17434440.2015.986096. Epub 2014 Nov 24. Review.
Breast MRI: EUSOBI recommendations for women’s information. Mann RM, Balleyguier C, Baltzer PA, Bick U, Colin C, Cornford E, Evans A, Fallenberg E, Forrai G, Fuchsjäger MH, Gilbert FJ, Helbich TH, Heywang-Köbrunner SH, Camps-Herrero J, Kuhl CK, Martincich L, Pediconi F, Panizza P, Pina LJ, Pijnappel RM, Pinker-Domenig K, Skaane P, Sardanelli F; European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI), with language review by Europa Donna–The European Breast Cancer Coalition. European Radiology. 2015 Dec;25(12):3669-78. doi: 10.1007/s00330-015-3807-z. Epub 2015 May 23.
Added Value of Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Combined with Digital Mammography According to Reader Agreement: Changes in BI-RADS Rate and Follow-Up Management. Galati F, Marzocca F, Bassetti E, Luciani ML, Tan S, Catalano C, Pediconi F. Breast Care (Basel). 2017 Sep;12(4):218-222. doi: 10.1159/000477537. Epub 2017 Aug 29.
Elastography in the diagnosis of breast lesions: comparison of different elastographic features. Ricci P, Maggini E, Mancuso E, Maldur V, Medvedyeva O, Ursu SC, Pediconi F. Acta Radiol. 2017 Oct;58(10):1189-1197. doi: 10.1177/0284185116687169. Epub 2017 Jan 29.
Position paper on screening for breast cancer by the European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI) and 30 national breast radiology bodies from Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Israel, Lithuania, Moldova, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey. Sardanelli F, Aase HS, Álvarez M, Azavedo E, Baarslag HJ, Balleyguier C, Baltzer PA, Beslagic V, Bick U, Bogdanovic-Stojanovic D, Briediene R, Brkljacic B, Camps Herrero J, Colin C, Cornford E, Danes J, de Geer G, Esen G, Evans A, Fuchsjaeger MH, Gilbert FJ, Graf O, Hargaden G, Helbich TH, Heywang-Köbrunner SH, Ivanov V, Jónsson Á, Kuhl CK, Lisencu EC, Luczynska E, Mann RM, Marques JC, Martincich L, Mortier M, Müller-Schimpfle M, Ormandi K, Panizza P, Pediconi F, Pijnappel RM, Pinker K, Rissanen T, Rotaru N, Saguatti G, Sella T, Slobodníková J, Talk M, Taourel P, Trimboli RM, Vejborg I, Vourtsis A, Forrai G. Eur Radiol. 2017 Jul;27(7):2737-2743. doi: 10.1007/s00330-016-4612-z. Epub 2016 Nov 2.
Can unenhanced MRI of the breast replace contrast-enhanced MRI in assessing response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy? Cavallo Marincola B, Telesca M, Zaccagna F, Riemer F, Anzidei M, Catalano C, Pediconi F. Acta Radiol. 2018 Jan 1:284185118773512. doi: 10.1177/0284185118773512. [Epub ahead of print]
Microcalcification morphological descriptors and parenchyma fractal dimension hierarchically interact in breast cancer: A diagnostic perspective. Verma G, Luciani ML, Palombo A, Metaxa L, Panzironi G, Pediconi F, Giuliani A, Bizzarri M, Todde V. Comput Biol Med. 2018 Feb 1;93:1-6. doi: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2017.12.004. Epub 2017 Dec 11.