August 24-26, 2023
Medellin, Colombia

The Asociación Colombiana de Radiología (ACR) presents the fifth edition of its annual breast imaging course, an activity that offers radiologists, radiology residents and specialists from related areas an opportunity to update on basic and advanced topics for the multidisciplinary management of breast pathology.

​On this occasion, ACR is happy to announce the special participation and academic endorsement of the European Society for Breast Imaging (EUSOBI), which will be represented by an important delegation of internationally recognized speakers.

The academic programme will begin with a pre-course on benign lesions of the breast, in which a multi-modal approach will be presented from the perspective of the radiologist, the pathologist, and the mastologist. The main course programme will emphasize general topics such as breast cancer screening, contrast-enhanced mammography, breast MRI, image-guided procedures, and breast ultrasound.

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