Pietro Panizza MD

Pietro Panizza MD Radiologist, is currently Head of the Breast Imaging Unit at the San Raffaele University Hospital in Milan, where he returned in 2015, and where he had also been Director of Breast Radiology Unit from 1990 to 2011. From 2011 to 2015 he was Head of the Radiology Department 1 of the National Cancer Institute of Milan.
He has been contract Professor in Breast Imaging at various universities: University of Medicine and Surgery of Milan from 2011 to 2015; University of Medicine and Surgery “Vita e Salute San Raffaele” in Milan from 2001 to 2011 and 2nd University of Medicine and Surgery of Milan from 2001 to 2010.
He is co-author of many national and international documents such as the Italian Guidelines in Breast Diagnosis and Treatment (FoNCAM), the Italian Guidelines for High Risk Women, the EUSOMA documents on Breast MRI Recommendations and on Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Cancer in Young Women.
Dr. Panizza is board member of the European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI), of SenoNetwork, the Italian Association that includes all the scientific societies involved in the Breast Unit, and of EUROPA DONNA Italia. From 2010 to 2014 he was Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Breast Imaging Section of the Italian Society of Radiology (SIRM). He has been member of the Scientific Board of the last two National Congresses of SIRM. He is currently member of the Core Faculty of the European School of Oncology (ESO).
In the field of Breast Imaging he is co-author of 40 scientific papers in international peer-reviewed journals, of 12 book chapters and co-editor of 3 books. In the last 25 years he has been lecturer, moderator, organizer of national and international courses and congresses on Breast Imaging.
Most important publications
Sardanelli F, Aase HS, Álvarez M, Azavedo E, Baarslag HJ, Balleyguier C, Baltzer PA, Beslagic V, Bick U, Bogdanovic-Stojanovic D, Briediene R, Brkljacic B, Camps Herrero J, Colin C, Cornford E, Danes J, de Geer G, Esen G, Evans A, Fuchsjaeger MH, Gilbert FJ, Graf O, Hargaden G, Helbich TH, Heywang-Köbrunner SH, Ivanov V, Jónsson Á, Kuhl CK, Lisencu EC, Luczynska E, Mann RM, Marques JC, Martincich L, Mortier M, Müller-Schimpfle M, Ormandi K, Panizza P, Pediconi F, Pijnappel RM, Pinker K, Rissanen T, Rotaru N, Saguatti G, Sella T, Slobodníková J, Talk M, Taourel P, Trimboli RM, Vejborg I, Vourtsis A, Forrai G : Position paper on screening for breast cancer by the European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI) and 30 national breast radiology bodies from Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Israel, Lithuania, Moldova, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey. Eur Radiol. 2017 Jul;27(7):2737-2743.
Mariscotti G, Belli P, Bernardi D, Brancato B, Calabrese M, Carbonaro LA, Cavallo-Marincola B, Caumo F, Clauser P, Martinchich L, Montemezzi S, Panizza P, Pediconi F, Tagliafico A, Trimboli RM, Zuiani C, Sardanelli F: Mammography and MRI for screening women who underwent chest radiation therapy (lymphoma survivors): recommendations for surveillance from the Italian College of Breast Radiologists by SIRM. Radiol Med. 2016 Nov;121(11):834-837.
Mann RM, Balleyguier C, Baltzer PA, Bick U, Colin C, Cornford E, Evans A, Fallenberg E, Forrai G, Fuchsjäger MH, Gilbert FJ, Helbich TH, Heywang-Köbrunner SH, Camps-Herrero J, Kuhl CK, Martincich L, Pediconi F, Panizza P, Pina LJ, Pijnappel RM, Pinker-Domenig K, Skaane P, Sardanelli F; European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI), with language review by Europa Donna–The European Breast Cancer Coalition: Breast MRI: EUSOBI recommendations for women’s information. Eur Radiol. 2015 Dec;25(12):3669-78.
Gilbert FJ, van den Bosch HC, Petrillo A, Siegmann K, Heverhagen JT, Panizza P, Gehl HB, Pediconi F, Diekmann F, Peng WJ, Ma L, Sardanelli F, Belli P, Corcione S, Zechmann CM, Faivre-Pierret M, Martincich L.Comparison of gadobenate dimeglumine-enhanced breast MRI and gadopentetate dimeglumine-enhanced breast MRI with mammography and ultrasound for the detection of breast cancer. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2014 May;39(5):1272-86.
Agresti R, Trecate G, Ferraris C, Valeri B, Maugeri I, Pellitteri C, Martelli G, Migliavacca S, Carcangiu ML, Bohm S, Maffioli L, Vergnaghi D, Panizza P: Ex vivo MRI evaluation of breast tumors: a novel tool for verifying resection of nonpalpable only MRI detected lesions. Breast J. 2013 Nov-Dec;19(6):659-63.
Venturini E, Losio C, Panizza P, Rodighiero MG, Fedele I, Tacchini S, Schiani E, Ravelli S, Cristel G, Panzeri MM, De Cobelli F, Del Maschio A. Tailored breast cancer screening program with microdose mammography, US, and MR Imaging: short-term results of a pilot study in 40-49-year-old women. Radiology. 2013 Aug;268(2):347-55.
Cardoso F, Loibl S, Pagani O, Graziottin A, Panizza P, Martincich L, Gentilini O, Peccatori F, Fourquet A, Delaloge S, Marotti L, Penault-Llorca F, Kotti-Kitromilidou AM, Rodger A, Harbeck N; European Society of Breast Cancer Specialists.The European Society of Breast Cancer Specialists recommendations for the management of young women with breast cancer. Eur J Cancer. 2012 Dec;48(18):3355-77.
Panizza P, Viganò S, Bonelli L, Bazzocchi M, Belli P, Calabrese M, Caramella D, Corcione S, Del Maschio A, Martincich L, Montemezzi S, Pediconi F, Petrillo A, Sardanelli F, Bruzzi P: Screening women at intermediate risk: harm or charm? Eur J Radiol. 2012 Sep;81 Suppl 1:S116-7.
Sardanelli F, Podo F, Santoro F, Manoukian S, Bergonzi S, Trecate G, Vergnaghi D, Federico M, Cortesi L, Corcione S, Morassut S, Di Maggio C, Cilotti A, Martincich L, Calabrese M, Zuiani C, Preda L, Bonanni B, Carbonaro LA, Contegiacomo A, Panizza P, Di Cesare E, Savarese A, Crecco M, Turchetti D, Tonutti M, Belli P, Maschio AD; High Breast Cancer Risk Italian 1 (HIBCRIT-1) Study. Multicenter surveillance of women at high genetic breast cancer risk using mammography, ultrasonography, and contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (the high breast cancer risk italian 1 study): final results. Invest Radiol. 2011 Feb;46(2):94-105.
Sardanelli F, Boetes C, Borisch B, Decker T, Federico M, Gilbert FJ, Helbich T, Heywang-Köbrunner SH, Kaiser WA, Kerin MJ, Mansel RE, Marotti L, Martincich L, Mauriac L, Meijers-Heijboer H, Orecchia R, Panizza P, Ponti A, Purushotham AD, Regitnig P, Del Turco MR, Thibault F, Wilson R: Magnetic resonance imaging of the breast: recommendations from the EUSOMA working group. Eur J Cancer. 2010 May;46(8):1296-316.