While the challenges posed by climate change are immense, small, incremental changes in our daily practices can collectively make a significant impact.



  • Digitize as much as possible; Stop printing paper files & records.
  • Recycle old electronics.
  • When replacing electronics, acquire new devices that are more power-efficient.
  • Contracted hotels are within walking distance of event venues whenever possible.
  • Use digital signage whenever possible.
  • Supply adequate hydration stations for attendees to refill their own water bottles.
  • Print less material and encourage attendees to use our event website/app.
  • Make attendance available virtually to eliminate travel carbon altogether for those who can’t or prefer not to travel.



Before the conference
  • Choose sustainable transportation if you can:
    Public transport: Use trains, buses, or other forms of public transportation to reduce your carbon footprint.
    If public transport isn’t feasible, consider carpooling with colleagues.
    If you fly, choose economy class.
  • Pack responsibly:
    Reusable items: Bring a reusable water bottle, coffee mug, and shopping bag to reduce single-use plastics.
    Digital devices: Use digital devices for note-taking and accessing conference materials instead of printing.
    Reduce your luggage weight and use hand luggage if you can.
During the conference
  • Conserve energy:
    Turn off electronics: Unplug chargers and turn off lights and electronics when not in use in your hotel room.
    Adjust thermostats: Set your hotel room thermostat to an energy-efficient temperature.
    Participate in your hotel linen reuse programme.
  • Choose sustainable transportation if you can:
    Take public transportation or consider green taxi.
    Walk to/from your hotel to the venue.
  • Minimize waste:
    Digital conference materials: Opt for digital versions of conference materials, abstracts, and brochures whenever possible.
    Proper disposal: Dispose of waste properly by using recycling bins and composting stations if available.
  • Sustainable dining:
    Reusable utensils: If possible, use reusable utensils, plates and napkins.
  • Networking sustainably:
    Business cards: Use digital business cards or networking apps to share contact information instead of printed cards.
    Eco-friendly swag: Be selective about the conference swag you take; prefer useful and sustainable items.
After the conference
  • Share knowledge on breast imaging and on sustainability practices: Share the green practices you learned at the conference with your colleagues and organisation.
  • Evaluate and provide feedback:
    Sustainability feedback: Provide feedback to conference organizers on their sustainability efforts and suggest improvements for future events.



Personal behaviour
  • Choose sustainable commute to work, if you can: walk, use bike, trains, buses, or other forms of public transportation to reduce your carbon footprint. If public transport isn’t feasible, consider carpooling with colleagues, to reduce carbon emission.
  • For your food use reusable utensils, plates, mug and napkins. Bring your own water bottle and reusable cup. Install water fountain in the unit for patient and staff.
  • Conserve energy: Be mindful of energy use switch off light and AC and electronic devices, including computer and reporting workstation overnight and when not in use.
  • Reduce single use items and other disposable items, where possible. For instance, reduce single use examination nitrile glove, to reduce waste and infection risk.
  • During a biopsy unpack only the sterile items you will use. Consider revising your biopsy kit, if there are items that are not used.
Department changes
  • Aim for paper-reduced or paperless workflow by using electronic forms, reports and communication, if you need to print use recycled paper.
  • Set up and participate in re-cycling programme for plastics, papers and other recyclable material. Implement strict waste segregation and management policies to ensure proper disposal and recycling of medical and non-medical waste. Introduce recycling bin in the department.
  • Optimize patient scheduling to reduce need for multiple visits, minimizing transportation emission. Consider phone appointment where possible, for instance for communicate benign results.
  • Increase energy efficiency: ensure imaging equipment is energy efficient.
    When replacing equipment make energy efficient part of the specification and make sure that old equipment is reused /recycled by reputable companies.
  • Provide ongoing education and training for staff on best practice for sustainability in the healthcare environment. Work with your institution towards net zero goal and the sustainability team. If you don’t have one, ask why not.